
UAE environmental identity app: spearheading green initiatives for a sustainable future

National Experts Programme associate Abdulla Al Remeithi forged the government-backed UAE Environmental Identity platform.

Visionary Initiative:

Abdulla Al Remeithi, a participant in the UAE’s National Experts Programme, has earned government support for his groundbreaking project aimed at fostering eco-conscious behaviors among the public. His brainchild, the UAE Environmental Identity app, is geared towards reducing the carbon footprint of residents.

Strategic Collaboration:

Developed in partnership with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, this pioneering app was unveiled at the Cop28 climate summit in Expo City Dubai. 

Mariam Al Mheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment and mentor for the National Experts initiative, graced the event with her presence.

Empowering Sustainable Choices:

Abdulla Al Remeithi, serving as the director for environmental policy, regulation, and climate change at the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, highlighted the app’s innovative features. 

Linked to the UAE Pass online platform, the app will track daily activities contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Users can assess their environmental impact and adopt greener practices by monitoring their water and electricity consumption, as well as their vehicle emissions.

Managing Carbon Footprints:

Al Remeithi emphasized the app’s function in calculating personal carbon footprints, aiming to curb emissions and support projects dedicated to reducing carbon footprints. 

By empowering individuals to make informed choices and understand their environmental impact, the app strives to cultivate a more sustainable lifestyle for a greener tomorrow.

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