Business Insights

How Injeel Moti is Redefining Leadership in Public Relations with Catch Communications

Injeel Moti’s journey from a young brown woman in Saudi Arabia to a dynamic leader in the Public Relations and communication sector is a testament to her ambition, resilience, and vision. Based in Dubai, UAE, Moti’s work with Catch Communications and Catch Academy has made significant waves in both industries, redefining traditional boundaries and setting new standards for excellence. Her story is one of personal growth, professional achievement, and an unwavering commitment to empowering others.

Injeel Moti’s formative years in Saudi Arabia during the 90s were marked by a significant lack of female representation in the workforce. This environment instilled in her a profound desire to forge a path for herself and support other women in their professional journeys. “Growing up in an environment with few women in the workforce fueled my ambition to have a defined career while helping other women succeed,” Moti recalls.

After completing her university education, Injeel Moti was eager to dive into the professional world. Her initial role as a content writer in a marketing firm unexpectedly introduced her to the world of public relations (PR). “Working closely with the PR department opened my eyes to the creativity and influence of storytelling in communications,” she says. This initial exposure was a pivotal moment, leading her to launch Catch Communications, driven by a passion for the profession and a bold entrepreneurial spirit.

Achievements and Resilience

One of Injeel Moti’s most notable achievements is her ability to sustain and grow Catch Communications amid a rapidly evolving media landscape. Her firm has not only survived but thrived through economic downturns and a global pandemic, a testament to her leadership and strategic acumen. “Keeping Catch Communications robust and operational in such a volatile industry is my greatest achievement,” Moti proudly states. Her ability to navigate these challenges speaks volumes about her resilience and dedication.

Moti’s professional journey was not without its hurdles. Early in her career, she faced the typical challenges of understanding corporate culture and managing team dynamics. “The early challenges of navigating, running a business and working across all operational departments were significant,” she admits. However, these experiences were crucial in shaping her approach to leadership and business management.

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Current Projects and Future Goals

Today, Injeel is channelling her energy into two major ventures: Catch Communications and Catch Academy. Catch Communications continues to set benchmarks in the PR industry, while Catch Academy focuses on providing education and training in various fields. Moti’s latest project involves developing a tech platform called ‘Story For You’, that enables consumers to create personalised gifts, reflecting her desire to diversify her business interests and innovate in new areas. “Building a tech platform that allows for deeply personal gift creation is an exciting new chapter for me,” she shares.

Her vision extends beyond her current projects. Moti aims to further diversify her business portfolio into areas that require less of her personal involvement, aligning with her long-term career and personal goals. “I’m looking to create businesses that are less demanding of my time, which fits with my broader aspirations and personal golas for the future,” she explains.

Moti’s approach to handling setbacks has evolved significantly over her career. She acknowledges that her early reactions to challenges were often emotionally charged. “I used to be very reactive and emotionally impacted by setbacks,” she reflects. Over time, she has developed a more balanced approach, learning to separate her personal feelings from business decisions. “This shift has greatly improved my decision-making ability,” she notes.

One of the major challenges she has faced is sourcing and retaining talent. To address this, Moti has embraced a new model of working with global talent, which has expanded her access and brought diverse experiences to her clients. “This approach not only broadens our talent pool but also enriches the services we offer,” she explains.

A key lesson Injeel Moti has learned is the importance of detaching her personal identity from her business. “Viewing the business as a separate entity from myself has been transformative,” she says. This perspective has allowed her to approach her work with greater clarity and resilience.

Evolving Definitions of Success

Moti’s understanding of success has undergone a profound transformation. In her early career, she sought external validation and accolades. Today, her definition of success is more introspective, focusing on personal satisfaction and inner peace. “Success used to be about external validation and awards. Now, it’s about finding satisfaction within myself and achieving peace and contentment,” she shares.

Reflecting on her journey, Moti offers advice to her younger self: “I would tell my younger self to not take things personally and to view feedback as a learning opportunity.” She emphasises the importance of resilience and maintaining a positive outlook despite challenges.

As for her legacy, Moti hopes to be remembered as someone with a strong work ethic who was authentic and reliable. “I want to be remembered as someone who delivered on their commitments and was authentic in their dealings,” she says. 

Injeel Moti’s Impact from Dubai

Based in Dubai, UAE, Injeel Moti has made significant strides in both PR and media space through her ventures, Catch Communications and Catch Academy. Her work not only highlights her ability to adapt and innovate but also reflects her dedication to creating meaningful impact. 

Injeel’s journey is a powerful reminder of how personal experiences and professional aspirations can come together to drive significant change. Her story underscores the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to empowering others. As she continues to shape the future of PR and education, Injeel Moti remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders around the world.

“The only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves. I want young women to believe that they can achieve whatever it is that they desire to and that the definition of success isnt always the one we see online, but how it makes us feel.”

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