
Pioneering in Fashion and Fragrance: The Inspiring Journey of Athari KS

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A Vision from Early Life

Athari KS, a name synonymous with elegance and innovation in fashion and fragrance, traces her passion back to her early years. Growing up, Athari was captivated by international fashion shows and models, dreaming of a future where she could make her mark as both a fashion model and designer. Her mother played a pivotal role in nurturing this dream. An enthusiast of fashion design herself, Athari’s mother influenced her with modern clothes ahead of their time, instilling in her a deep appreciation for unique styles and standout designs.

Charting a Path in Fashion

Athari’s love for fashion and her distinctive style led her to pursue a career in the industry. A significant milestone in her early career was her collaboration with Harvey Nichols, which confirmed she was on the right path. This experience validated her belief in her talent and motivated her to continue pushing boundaries in fashion design.

Venturing into Fragrance

Among Athari’s greatest achievements is the establishment of her perfume company, “Shaghaf Al Oud.” Her passion for perfumes and unique olfactory experiences led her to create a collection that resonated deeply with her audience. Athari measures success through the love and support of her followers, finding reward in every interaction with fans who appreciate her work.

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Educational Background and Influences

Interestingly, Athari’s formal education took a different route. She pursued finance and financial management at Kuwait University, a field far removed from fashion and fragrance. However, she views every designer and model she admired as a mentor, drawing inspiration from their work to fuel her own creative journey.

A Journey of Growth and Resilience

Athari’s professional journey began in 2010, marked by challenges and personal growth. The years 2010 to 2013 were particularly transformative, refining her personality and strengthening her resolve. A significant emotional setback temporarily halted her progress, but it ultimately made her stronger, more confident, and bolder in her decisions. This resilience defined her return to the industry in 2017 as a fashion expert and model.

Current Endeavors and Health Hiatus

Currently, Athari is taking a temporary break from work due to health reasons. However, her passion and dedication remain undiminished. She continues to inspire through her presence on social media, sharing glimpses of her journey and maintaining a connection with her followers.

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A Mother’s Influence

Athari’s greatest inspiration remains her mother, whose innovative designs and unique approach to fashion left an indelible mark on her. Watching her mother design, draw models, choose fabrics, and create garments by hand profoundly influenced Athari’s path. Her mother’s willingness to experiment with unconventional colors and designs instilled in her a love for creativity and individuality.

Facing Challenges with Determination

Athari’s journey has not been without its challenges. One significant setback was having her designs stolen by other designers. This experience taught her the importance of self-confidence and caution in professional dealings. She advises aspiring designers to persist despite failures and setbacks, emphasizing the value of continuous effort and resilience.

Future Vision and Legacy

Looking ahead, Athari envisions a future where she continues to innovate in the perfume industry, introducing unique products that resonate with her audience. She believes in the power of self-development to face challenges and is committed to staying ahead of industry trends. Athari hopes to be remembered for her distinctive taste in perfumes and fashion, leaving a lasting legacy in her field.

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Athari’s daily routine reflects her dedication to maintaining a balance between professional and personal life. Starting her day with fresh coffee and a workout, she follows a structured schedule that includes meetings, photo shoots, and advertisements. She values her time with friends, finding inspiration and energy in these interactions.

Continual Learning and Inspiration

Athari’s commitment to personal growth is evident in her love for reading and staying informed about industry trends. She follows distinguished content creators and continuously learns from their innovative ideas, ensuring she remains at the forefront of her field.

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A Unique Presence in the Industry

Athari’s advice to aspiring professionals is to make their presence distinctive. In a world where repetition is common, uniqueness is rare and valuable. Reflecting on her journey, she expresses satisfaction with her life’s path, embracing every aspect of her experiences and the lessons they brought.


Athari KS’s journey in fashion and fragrance is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and continuous learning. Her ability to overcome challenges, coupled with her unique vision, has cemented her place as a notable figure in the industry. As she continues to inspire through her work and presence, Athari’s story serves as a beacon for aspiring designers and entrepreneurs. Follow her journey on Instagram at @its.athariks.

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