
Saltwater crocodile attack survivor recounts harrowing experience in Indonesia

When Sariah went to bring water in a pit around her home in Bangka Island, Indonesia, last September, she was clueless that a 3m-long saltwater crocodile had been resting in the crater, observing as she filled one of her buckets.

When Sariah went to bring water in a pit around her home in Bangka Island, Indonesia, last September, she was clueless that a 3m-long saltwater crocodile had been resting in the crater, observing as she filled one of her buckets.


In a chilling encounter, a 54-year-old individual in Indonesia faced a sudden and life-threatening attack by a saltwater crocodile. 

The attack occurred in a seemingly calm waterbody, reminding us of the ever-present danger posed by these formidable reptiles in the region.

Unanticipated Assault

The victim described the circumstances leading up to the attack, explaining that the water was tranquil with no visible sign of a crocodile. 

Feeling at ease, they made the decision to take a bath. 

However, in an alarming turn of events, a saltwater crocodile suddenly materialized and launched a vicious attack, biting the victim and dragging them into the water by their left arm.

Indonesia’s Disturbing Crocodile Attack Statistics

Indonesia holds a grim distinction, recording the highest number of saltwater crocodile attacks worldwide. 

Over the past decade, this nation has witnessed approximately 1,000 such attacks, resulting in the tragic loss of more than 450 lives. 

Of particular concern, nearly 90 of these attacks occurred in the Bangka and Belitung islands, as reported by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Bangka Island: Tin-Mining Hub and Crocodile Territory

The incident took place on Bangka Island, a region renowned for its significant tin-mining activities. 

Despite its economic importance, the island’s waters and coastlines have been identified as prime habitats for saltwater crocodiles, emphasizing the coexistence of industry and wildlife in the area.


This harrowing encounter serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by saltwater crocodiles in Indonesia. 

The high frequency of attacks in the region underscores the need for heightened awareness and safety measures, especially in areas like Bangka Island, which balance industry with the presence of these formidable reptiles in their natural habitats.

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