
A Journey Rooted in Culture, Education, and Compassion

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Early life and Upbringing

Born and raised in the heart of Beirut. Nourhane grew up in a family that deeply valued education and well-being. Her parents, instilled in her a profound respect for health and science from a young age. This environment fostered her early interest in how nutrition impacts overall health. Growing up in a region renowned for its rich culinary traditions, Nourhane was exposed to a diverse range of foods and dietary practices. Traditional Lebanese cuisine, with its emphasis on fresh ingredients, vegetables, and balanced meals, played a significant role in her childhood. This exposure not only broadened her palate but also sparked her curiosity about the science behind nutrition and its effects on the human body. Lebanese culture places a strong emphasis on hospitality and communal eating, which taught her the social and emotional significance of food. Family meals were a central part of her upbringing. Her family’s emphasis on the importance of community and helping others also played a significant role in her career choice. Nourhane has always been driven by a desire to give back to her community and to empower individuals to take control of their health through informed dietary choices. Her mother’s influence was particularly strong in shaping her personality,” My mom’s unwavering strength inspires me. No matter the obstacle, she faces it head-on, and that motivates me to be more courageous in my own decisions.”

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Educational Journey:

Nourhane’s formal education started in private school in Beirut, where she excelled academically. Her natural inclination towards biology and chemistry became evident early on, leading her to pursue further studies in these fields. Nourhane was an active participant in science clubs and health-related extracurricular activities, where she often took on leadership roles. During her undergraduate studies, Nourhane was deeply involved in research projects that examined the link between diet and chronic diseases, particularly focusing on the Mediterranean diet’s impact on cardiovascular health. Her commitment to academic excellence and her passion for helping others were evident in her work, earning her accolades and recognition from her professors and peers. Nourhane’s thirst for knowledge and her dedication to advance led her to pursue postgraduate studies, where she is currently a PhD Candidate in one of the prestegious universities in Spain. This international experience broadened her perspective and allowed her to gain exposure to different cultures.

Career Choice:

This environment and her love for science fostered her early interest in how nutrition impacts overall health. Nourhane’s experiences during her internships and clinical rotations further solidified her desire to make a difference in the field of nutrition. She worked with diverse patient populations, from pediatric to geriatric, witnessing firsthand the impact that proper dietary guidance could have on health outcomes. These experiences reinforced her belief in the importance of preventive care and personalized nutrition.

Her expertise and compassionate approach quickly earned her a reputation as a trusted healthcare professional. She also became a sought-after speaker at conferences and workshops, sharing her knowledge on various topics, from weight management to chronic disease prevention. In addition to her clinical work, Nourhane has been involved in numerous community outreach programs. She regularly conducts workshops and seminars in schools, community centers, and workplaces, promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes.

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A Defining Experience: The Turning Point

One particular experience during her time at a Medical Center confirmed Nourhane’s choice of dietetics as her career. As an intern, she was assigned to work with a middle-aged patient, who was struggling with severe obesity and related complications, including type 2 diabetes and hypertension. This patient had been in and out of hospitals for years, trying various treatments with little success.

Nourhane was tasked with developing a comprehensive dietary plan for him. She spent time understanding his eating habits, cultural preferences, and lifestyle. She crafted a diet plan that incorporated traditional Lebanese dishes, modified to be healthier and balanced. Nourhane also provided continuous support and education, teaching him about portion control, the importance of regular meals, and how to make healthier food choices without sacrificing the flavors he loved.

Over several months, this patient followed Nourhane’s guidance diligently. The results were remarkable. He lost a significant amount of weight, his blood sugar levels stabilized, and his blood pressure improved. For the first time in years, this patient felt hopeful and empowered about his health. He expressed profound gratitude to Nourhane, crediting her personalized approach and unwavering support for his transformation.

This experience was a turning point for Nourhane. Seeing the tangible impact of her work on this patient’s life reinforced her commitment to the field of dietetics. She realized that her knowledge and passion could make a real difference in people’s lives, improving their health and well-being. This confirmed her career choice and fueled her determination to pursue further education and research to help more individuals like this patient.

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Inspirations and Influences- The Greatest Blessing: A Supportive Family

Nourhane often describes her family as her greatest blessing, attributing much of her success and happiness to their unwavering support and encouragement. From a young age, her parents fostered an environment of learning and curiosity. They encouraged her to explore her interests and provided her with the resources she needed to excel academically and personally. When asked about the key people who influences her life, Nourhane answered in addition to her mother Leila, her brother Inaam played a big role in shaping her personality. “The way he treats others with respect, regardless of their background, has shaped how I approach my interactions with everyone I meet. There was a time when I felt like giving up on my dream. But my brother’s unwavering belief in me pushed me to keep going. That experience taught me the importance of perseverance, a lesson I carry with me always.”

Future Plans:

Nourhane’s journey in dietetics is far from over. With a strong foundation in both clinical practice and research, she has ambitious plans for the future. Here are some of her key goals:

At the community level, Nourhane remains committed to her roots and plans to continue her work in the Lebanese community. She aims to expand her outreach programs, providing education and support to underserved populations. Her goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to make healthier choices and improve their quality of life.

Public Health Initiatives: Nourhane is passionate about addressing public health issues related to nutrition. She envisions launching large-scale public health campaigns aimed at reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases through education and community-based programs. These initiatives will target various populations, including children, adults, and the elderly, promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes.

Finally at teaching and mentoring level, committed to nurturing the next generation of dietitians, Nourhane plans to take on more teaching roles at universities and training programs. She aims to mentor young professionals in the field, sharing her experiences and knowledge to help them develop their skills and careers.


Nourhane Nasser’s early life and upbringing laid a strong foundation for her successful career as a dietitian. Her academic excellence, combined with her cultural awareness and personal commitment to health, have made her a respected and influential figure in the field of nutrition. Nourhane continues to inspire others with her dedication to improving health outcomes through better nutrition, staying true to the values instilled in her during her formative years. Her journey from a curious child in Beirut to a leading dietitian exemplifies the impact of a supportive family, quality education, and a deep-rooted passion for helping others.

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