
From the Kitchen to TV: Zubin Mashood’s Flavorful Journey in F&B

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A Life-Changing Decision: Stepping Out of Comfort

For Zubin Mashood, one pivotal moment in his early life set the stage for his future career. In 2006, his mother made the impactful decision to send him from the UAE, where he was born and raised, to Cochin for higher studies. This transition exposed Zubin to a new environment, significantly different from the one he was accustomed to. The change was more than just geographical; it was a shift in mindset that taught him how to adapt, handle challenges, and approach life with a broader perspective. This experience would prove invaluable as he ventured into his career.

Following His Heart: Choosing a Career in Food

From a young age, Zubin had a deep connection with food. He loved spending time in the kitchen, helping his mother and indulging in the joy of eating. It was no surprise that he chose a career in the food and beverage (F&B) industry. For Zubin, food was not just about nourishment; it was a way of life. This passion naturally led him to a career that combined his love for food with his desire to create and innovate within the industry. He knew he had found his calling, driven by the joy and fulfillment it brought him.

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Turning Passion into Profession: Achieving Success in F&B

Zubin’s biggest achievement is turning his passion for food into a thriving career. He has managed to earn a living through his involvement in the F&B industry, focusing on consultation and content creation. This accomplishment holds significant importance for Zubin because it reflects his unwavering dedication and commitment to his craft. Working in an industry he loves means that his job never feels like work. Instead, it is a continuous journey of exploration and creativity, one that keeps him motivated and driven to succeed.

Early Challenges: Breaking into the F&B Industry

Zubin’s professional journey began in 2009 when he was just 20 years old. With no prior experience in the F&B industry, he faced considerable challenges. Being accepted in the market was not easy. He had to work hard to prove himself and establish his credibility. Despite the difficulties, Zubin remained steadfast, learning from each setback and using those experiences to improve. His persistence paid off, allowing him to build a name for himself in an industry that initially seemed difficult to penetrate.

Exploring New Horizons: A TV Show Series

Currently, Zubin is working on a TV show series, an exciting new venture that aligns with his career goals. This project represents an opportunity for Zubin to reach a broader audience, sharing his love for food and his insights into the F&B industry. The TV show is not just about showcasing culinary skills but also about telling stories that inspire and educate viewers. It’s a platform that allows Zubin to combine his expertise in content creation with his passion for food, further solidifying his position in the industry.

Inspiration Along the Way: Influential Figures in Zubin’s Life

Zubin’s journey has been shaped by numerous inspiring individuals. His father, who passed away when Zubin was just 11 years old, left a lasting impression with his bold personality and skills in public relations. His mother played a crucial role in his upbringing, never giving up on their future and guiding Zubin and his siblings towards success. His uncles, who stepped in when needed, and his college mates, who supported him in running his food business, have also been sources of inspiration. More recently, his wife and father-in-law have played significant roles in his success. Zubin’s story is a testament to the impact that a strong support system can have on personal and professional growth.

Staying Motivated: Embracing Challenges

For Zubin, challenges are not obstacles but opportunities for growth. He believes that challenges shape us in the best possible way. While acknowledging that pursuing big dreams comes with even bigger challenges, Zubin embraces these difficulties as part of the journey. His mindset is grounded in the belief that if the dreams are worth pursuing, the challenges are worth facing. This outlook has helped him stay motivated and positive, even when confronted with setbacks.

Learning from Failure: A Key to Success

Throughout his career, Zubin has experienced more failures than successes, but he views these failures as valuable learning experiences. The biggest setback he faced was not being able to keep his F&B business alive. However, Zubin believes that failure is an essential part of success. It has taught him resilience, patience, and the importance of hard work. These lessons have shaped his approach to work, helping him stay focused on his dreams and navigate the inevitable ups and downs of his career.

Redefining Success: Milestones over Money

Zubin’s definition of success has evolved over time. Rather than measuring success solely by financial gains, he links it to achieving milestones. Each milestone represents a step forward in his career, a tangible result of his efforts and dedication. Success, for Zubin, is a journey marked by continuous progress and the pursuit of goals, one after the other. This perspective allows him to stay grounded and focused on what truly matters.

Advice to His Younger Self: Prepare for the Cost of Dreams

If Zubin could give advice to his younger self, it would be to prepare for the sacrifices required to achieve dreams. Success often comes at a high cost, including losing peace, money, and even relationships. However, these sacrifices are necessary to reach the finish line. Zubin’s journey reflects the reality that chasing dreams is not easy, but it is worthwhile for those who are willing to pay the price.

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A Legacy Beyond Self: Impacting the Industry

When asked about his legacy, Zubin focuses not on being remembered as an individual but on the lasting impact of his ideas and business models. He hopes that his contributions to the F&B industry will continue to influence and shape the market long after he is gone. Zubin’s vision is for his legacy to be defined by innovation, creativity, and the positive changes he brings to the industry. His story serves as an inspiration to future generations, encouraging them to pursue their passions with dedication and courage.

Click here to check his Instagram.

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