
Weather Update: Fair Conditions Across the UAE on Monday

On Monday, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) predicts fair to partly overcast weather across the United Arab Emirates.

The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts fair to partly cloudy weather across the United Arab Emirates on Monday. Residents can expect a mix of clear skies and partial cloud cover during the day.

Temperature Variations Across Regions:

Temperature variations are anticipated, with Abu Dhabi and Dubai experiencing a drop to 23°C. 

Mountainous areas will see cooler temperatures, reaching around 15°C. The daytime high in the capital is expected to reach 33°C, while Dubai will see a high of 34°C.

Humidity levels will likely increase by night and Tuesday morning, especially in areas west of the country. Residents can expect a humid atmosphere during these periods.

Winds and Sea Conditions:

Light to moderate winds are expected to blow across the UAE. The sea conditions are predicted to be slight in the Oman Sea and the Arabian Gulf.

Weather Outlook for Tuesday:

The NCM’s weather update provides a snapshot of favorable weather conditions for Monday, setting the stage for a comfortable start to the week. 

Residents are advised to stay informed about any further updates and changes in the weather outlook for Tuesday and the rest of the week.

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