
UAE’s climate focus sparks surge in sustainability studies

Cop28 is said to be a significant factor in the massive increase in number of students curious about sustainability.

Cop28 is said to be a significant factor in the massive increase in number of students curious about sustainability.

The UAE government’s unwavering commitment to addressing climate issues is yielding positive results, evident in a significant upswing in the number of students enrolling in sustainability programs at one of the country’s premier institutions.

Zayed University’s Sustainability Program Sees Remarkable Growth

Zayed University, a leading educational institution in the UAE, has witnessed a remarkable surge in the enrollment of students in its sustainability program. Over the past year, the number of students in this program has nearly quadrupled, soaring from 52 to 207.

Global Attention on UAE and COP28 Spurs Interest

This increase in interest can be attributed to the global spotlight now shining on the UAE, as the United Nations climate change conference, COP28, is scheduled to take place in Dubai at the end of next month. 

The world’s attention on the event has evidently spurred a renewed focus on sustainability and environmental issues.

Dr. Suzanna Elmassah on the Government’s Impact

Dr. Suzanna Elmassah, the head of the sustainability program at Zayed University, emphasized the UAE government’s pivotal role in this transformation. 

She stated, “The UAE government’s commitment to sustainability has encouraged students to act by seeking education that prepares them for future challenges.”

The surge in student interest in sustainability at Zayed University reflects the broader societal response to the UAE government’s dedication to addressing climate change, and it underlines the pivotal role of education in shaping a more sustainable future.

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