
UAE Strongly Condemns Israeli Minister’s Nuclear Bomb Threat

The UAE has strongly condemned and condemned the recent words made by Israel's Minister of Heritage, Amihai Eliyahu.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has given a strong condemnation and expressed its utter disapproval of the recent statements made by Israeli Minister of Heritage Amihai Eliyahu. 

His comments regarding the use of a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip are viewed as disgraceful and entirely unacceptable.

Violation of International Law:

The UAE asserts that Amihai Eliyahu’s statements not only violate international law but also constitute incitement to save serious violations of International Humanitarian Law, including war crimes. There is also concern about potential intentions related to genocide.

Emphasis on Protecting Civilian Lives:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in the UAE emphasizes its strong rejection of nuclear weapons threats. 

The UAE prioritizes the preservation of civilian lives and the provision of essential humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict.

The UAE stresses the urgent need for an quick ceasefire to prevent further loss of life. Protection of civilians, in line with international law and treaties, is a paramount concern. Civilian populations must not be targeted during the course of the conflict.

International Community’s Role:

The UAE calls upon the global community to intensify its efforts to prevent the escalation of the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

It encourages all endeavors aimed at achieving a comprehensive and just peace while controlling the region from descending into increased violence, tension, and instability.

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