In a striking display of vigilance, the Sharjah Ports, Customs, and Free Zones Authority (SPCFZA) recently foiled a daring attempt by two individuals to illegally enter the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The infiltrators had concealed themselves in tiny iron boxes fitted under the rear trunks of two SUVs, attempting to cross the UAE border undetected.
The meticulous security procedures at the border, including the use of advanced X-ray scanners, played a pivotal role in uncovering this unusual method of infiltration. A video released by the authority captures the dramatic moment officers discovered the individuals, each cramped in a space barely 2 feet in size, by breaking open the rear bumpers of the vehicles.
Upon discovery, the individuals, who lacked any form of identification, were taken into custody along with the drivers of the vehicles. All parties involved have been referred to the appropriate legal authorities for further investigation and action.
Mohammed Ibrahim Al Raisi, Director of Terminals and Border Points Affairs at SPCFZA, highlighted the critical importance of border security in the UAE. He noted that, given the country’s significant economic and developmental achievements, preventing infiltration remains a top priority. Al Raisi also emphasized the sophisticated and comprehensive system employed by Sharjah Customs to effectively counter all types of smuggling and illegal entry efforts.
This incident underscores the ongoing challenges faced by UAE border security forces and their relentless commitment to safeguarding the nation’s borders against unauthorized entry.