
Non-Muslim Student Wins Dubai Mosque Design Competition

Anna De Sa, a non-Muslim student from Brazil, came in third place in a mosque design competition hosted in Dubai.

In celebrating cultural diversity and coexistence, non-Muslim student Anna De Sa from Brazil clinched third place in a mosque design competition held in Dubai. 

The competition challenged students to craft the ‘most beautiful mosque’ on Pearl Jumeirah Island.

Anna De Sa’s winning design features an oval-shaped mosque inspired by Prophet Nooh’s ark, a symbol resonating in Quranic and Biblical narratives. The unique and inclusive design underlines the UAE’s commitment to embracing various cultures.

Emirati Student Takes First Place:

Emirati student Fatima Al Sada secured first place, allowing her to see her sustainable mosque design implemented on Pearl Jumeirah. The design places the mosque amid a green haven, emphasizing sustainability and environmental harmony.

Palestinian student Nidal Al Ashhab secured second place with a design inspired by traditional Bedouin tents, incorporating elements from the vast Arabian deserts. Bedouins, known for hospitality and resourcefulness, serve as a rich cultural reference.

Recognition and Implementation:

The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai (IACAD) recognized and honored the winners, highlighting the significance of the competition. 

Dubai Holding provided cash prizes, and the first-place design by Fatima Al Sada will be realized on Pearl Jumeirah.

Symbol of Cultural Diversity and Values:

A senior IACAD official emphasized that the competition’s outcome symbolizes the cultural diversity and values of coexistence embedded in the UAE. 

The winning designs showcase the intersection of tradition, sustainability, and creativity.

The IACAD official mentioned that the other two outstanding designs might find implementation in other Dubai Holding projects, showcasing the potential for incorporating innovative mosque designs into various cityscapes.

Educational Workshop and Real-Life Application:

The competition culminated in a workshop for second-year engineering students at the American University in Dubai (AUD). 

Given a real plot of land on Pearl Jumeirah, the Islamic department briefed students on mosque standards and requirements.

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