Dubai Police Launches Dh3 Million Ramadan Charity Campaign: ‘Sport for Support’
In an effort to foster community engagement and philanthropy during the holy month of Ramadan, Dubai Police has announced the launch of a charity campaign titled ‘Sport for Support’. The initiative aims to raise Dh3 million to support various humanitarian projects, including charitable endowments, family support initiatives, medical assistance, mosque construction, Quran distribution, and water well construction.
The campaign, unveiled during a press conference at Dubai Police General Headquarters, will utilize sports activities to engage more than 100,000 participants throughout Ramadan, which commences around March 11 this year. Collaborating with the Dar Al Ber Society, Dubai Economy and Tourism, and Dubai Sports Council, Dubai Police aims to encourage active participation in charitable endeavors while promoting health and fitness within the community.
Participants interested in contributing to the charitable cause can donate through Dar Al Ber Society platforms at sporting events or via a dedicated online donation link associated with the campaign. The initiative underscores Dubai Police’s commitment to fostering social responsibility and community well-being, aligning with the spirit of compassion and giving that characterizes the Ramadan season.