
Breaking Barriers: Dina Ayman’s Journey from Computer Engineering to a Presidential Award

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 From Doubt to Determination: The Story of Dina Ayman

“Engineering is not for girls”—these were the words that greeted Dina Ayman when she first expressed her desire to study engineering. Her father, who had envisioned her becoming a doctor, doubted her ability to succeed in a male-dominated field. His skepticism, which Dina notes is not uncommon in Arab culture, temporarily swayed her to consider a different path. She switched her major to pre-med, trying to align with her father’s expectations. However, her love for math and technology never waned, and she soon found herself drawn back to computer engineering. This time, she was determined to excel and change the world’s perspective on women in the technology sector.

Academic Excellence and a Clear Vision

Ayman’s resolve paid off when she graduated with honors, earning both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in computer engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology within the same year. Her academic achievements set the stage for her future endeavors, but her vision extended beyond personal success. Ayman was driven by the desire to pave the way for more women to enter and thrive in engineering and technology. She wanted to be a role model, showing that women could not only participate but excel in fields traditionally dominated by men.

 Advocating for Diversity and Inclusion

Ayman’s passion for diversity and inclusion began to manifest itself in various ways. As an adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, she teaches her students that their diverse backgrounds are their greatest strengths. “Your diverse background is your superpower,” she often tells them. She emphasizes that diverse perspectives are not just beneficial but essential for innovation and success. Research supports her belief: companies that foster inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed their financial targets and are six times more agile and innovative.

In her role as an educator, Ayman is particularly focused on encouraging more women to pursue careers in technology. She believes that the effort to attract women to tech must start early, instilling in young girls the belief that they are just as capable and powerful as their male counterparts. By providing examples of successful women in the field, Ayman hopes to inspire a new generation of fearless female engineers and technologists.

A Corporate Leader with a Global Impact

Ayman’s influence extends beyond academia into the corporate world. At Microsoft, where she works as a software engineering program manager, Ayman is involved in various diversity and inclusion initiatives. She collaborates with the company’s corporate vice presidents on strategies related to hiring, retention, culture transformation, and creating safe spaces for employees. Her work helps ensure that Microsoft remains a place where all employees feel valued and empowered to contribute.

Ayman’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is not limited to her immediate professional environment. She has taken her message to international stages, speaking at conferences and collaborating with global leaders. One notable collaboration involved Egypt’s Minister of Communication and Information Technology, H.E. Minister Amr Talaat, discussing the future of digital transformation using the Metaverse. Her work as an ambassador for the “Haya Karima” initiative, a massive project aimed at reducing poverty and providing jobs in Egypt, further underscores her dedication to using technology for social good.

A Presidential Honor

Ayman’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. In 2022, she was honored at the World Youth Forum, where the President of Egypt, H.E. Abdelfattah Elsisi, recognized her as one of the most influential young people globally. As she walked up to receive the award, the moment was a powerful reminder of the impact she has had and the responsibility she carries. “I felt I was receiving this award for all youth who are trying, hustling, working so hard on their passions,” Ayman shares. The honor reinforced her commitment to continue her work, inspiring and supporting others to believe in their ability to drive change.

This accolade is just one of many achievements in Ayman’s impressive career. Her inclusion in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list further cements her status as a leader and changemaker in the tech industry. Beyond her professional success, Ayman’s journey serves as a source of inspiration for young women everywhere, particularly those who face cultural or societal barriers to pursuing their dreams.

A  Multifaceted Role Model

Ayman’s impact reaches far beyond her engineering and advocacy work. In 2022, she made history as the first woman wearing a hijab to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, breaking yet another stereotype and showcasing the diversity of beauty and talent. Her participation in the pageant underscored her belief in representation and inclusivity, emphasizing that no one should feel limited by their background or appearance.

Despite her numerous roles and achievements, Ayman remains grounded and committed to her values. Her journey is not just about personal success but about making a difference in the lives of others. Whether through her teaching, corporate work, or public speaking, Ayman consistently promotes the idea that diversity is a strength and that inclusivity benefits everyone.

 Looking Forward

Dina Ayman’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and purpose. From overcoming doubts and defying expectations to becoming a leading voice for diversity and inclusion, Ayman has shown what is possible when one dares to challenge the status quo. Her work continues to inspire those around her, proving that anyone, regardless of background or gender, can make a significant impact.

As Ayman looks to the future, her goals remain focused on empowering others and driving meaningful change. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action, encouraging everyone to embrace their unique strengths and work toward a more inclusive and equitable world.

This article highlights Dina Ayman’s path from being discouraged from pursuing engineering to becoming a global advocate for diversity and inclusion, earning a presidential award, and influencing change in both academia and the corporate world.

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