Renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev underwent emergency brain surgery at a private hospital in New Delhi, India, following weeks of severe headaches. The surgery, performed on March 17, aimed to address bleeding in the skull, with Sadhguru showing steady progress in his recovery since then.
Sadhguru, the founder of the Isha Foundation and an advocate for environmental conservation through campaigns like ‘Save Soil’ and ‘Rally for Rivers,’ had been experiencing intense headaches for the past four weeks. Despite his discomfort, he continued with his daily activities and social engagements, even leading the Maha Shivaratri function on March 8.
However, his condition worsened by March 15, prompting him to consult Dr. Vinit Suri, a senior consultant neurologist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. Suspecting a subdural hematoma, Dr. Suri advised an urgent MRI, which revealed significant bleeding in the skull, indicating both chronic and fresh bleeding.
Despite the urgent need for hospitalization and medical intervention, Sadhguru fulfilled his commitments on March 15 and 16 with the assistance of pain medication. However, on March 17, he experienced a decline in consciousness and weakness in his left leg, leading to his admission to the hospital under Dr. Suri’s care.
Subsequent CT scans revealed increased brain swelling, necessitating immediate surgical intervention. Sadhguru underwent emergency brain surgery to remove the bleeding, conducted by a team of skilled doctors including Dr. Vinit Suri, Dr. Pranav Kumar, Dr. Sudheer Tyagi, and Dr. S Chatterjee.
Following the surgery, Sadhguru was successfully weaned off the ventilator and has exhibited positive signs of improvement in his brain function, bodily health, and vital parameters. Despite the challenges, his resilience and commitment to his spiritual and environmental causes remain unwavering.
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking medical attention promptly, even amidst busy schedules, and underscores the fragility of human health. As Sadhguru continues his recovery journey, messages of support and prayers pour in from followers worldwide, wishing him a swift and complete recovery.
Stay tuned for further updates on Sadhguru’s health and recovery progress as he continues his journey towards wellness and continued service to humanity and the environment.